Saturday, 17 March 2018

Product visibility in CPQ Quote Template

As CPQ offers many products model, it also come with so many control over visibility of a product in a quote and it gives the full control to CPQ admin to take advantage of those options.

Let's Start from Product, There is a filed called Hidden , If this field is checked , then this product wont be displayed on Quote templates. This is regardless of everything else.

Example: If there is a specific product you would like to hide in all Quote Template, easiest way is to check the Hidden field. Another example would be hiding a bundle product if the company doesn't want to expose their bundles and just want to expose components.

Product Option.Quote Line Visibility
This option gives admin controls over displaying a product option first in the Quote Line Editor which sales people are using, also exposing a specific component(product option) in Quote Template which customer would see or hide it from both and make it visible always.

This is a pick list item with the following values.

  • None
  • Always
  • Editor Only (means Quote line editor)
  • Document Only
  • Never

Example: If there is a bundle and you don't want to expose its components to the customer then you can go to product options of the bundle and the the Quote Line Visibility to Editor Only, which means sales people can only see that component in the Quote Line Editor Configuration of the bundle.

Quote Template. Hide Component Products
This is a handy property in the quote template, to hide all components of a bundle in the quote templates. Maybe there is a scenario that you would like to hide bundles component in a specific quote template(s) only and display in others.

Quote Template. Show All package product
If all package products needs to be printed regardless of their value. Otherwise only package products with non-zero values would be printed.

Quote Template. Show Bundle Products
If there is a scenario that a company set up product bundles with some product options , then you only want to display bundles in Quote Template then check this property and all product options would be hidden in the quote templates.

1 comment:

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